Accessing Filer from a Mac Computer

Accessing Filer from a Mac Computer

If you are attempting to connect to a COA network resource from outside Texas A&M University grounds, you will have to first connect to the VPN.


1. From the desktop, click Go located at the top left of the screen.

2. Click Connect to Server… at the bottom of the dropdown.

A shortcut to this process is to press Command+K.


3. In the address bar type: smb://filer.arch.tamu.edu then click Connect

You’re connected to Filer!

Adding Filer to your Favorites

1. To quickly access Filer, return to the Connect to Server pop-up located in the Go dropdown from the menu bar.

2. Type the following address: smb://filer.arch.tamu.edu

3. After typing in the address and before clicking Connect, click the plus+” sign to add the address to your favorites. Now, you can access Filer from the Connect to Server pop-up without having to type in the address every time.


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