FAMIS Install and Setup

FAMIS Install and Setup

1. Confirm there is a “Connection Central” icon on the Desktop

2. Create a new HostExplorerProfile with the following settings



*** IMPORTANT NOTE*** The host name is no longer “tammvs1.tamu.edu” it is “famis.tamus.edu”. All the other steps should remain the same | Updated 03/28/2024 by Bernardo Garcia-Moreno

  1. Check the box for no further warnings and proceed with the connection (NOTE: it will fail this first connection)

4. In the toolbar at the top of the window, click on Options->Session Properties

5. Navigate to Security → General and switch the Security Options to SSL/TLS

a. Navigate to the SSL/TLS tab and switch the Version to Highest TLS Version

6. Navigate to Keyboard→ General and uncheck the box next to Ignore NumLock state

7. Close the Session and relaunch the new FAMIS icon from within Connection Central.



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