Cascade CMS

Cascade CMS


To request access to Cascade CMS send an email to helpdesk@arch.tamu.edu include the reason you are requesting access and your Name, NetID, and UIN. If you are not the site owner we will need a specific request from the site owner specifying that you need permission.

Logging in

1. Go to https://cms.tamu.edu 

2. Log in with your NetID through CAS. 

Finding Your Site

1. Select the Global Sites dropdown.


2. Choose the site you wish to edit.

Site Navigation

1. Each folder represents a link in the navigation. 

2. Each folder must have an "Index" page.

3. The "_common" folder contains shared images and css files.

Editing a Page

1. Choose the index page for the page you want to edit.

2. Select "Edit" from the top menu.


3. Use the WYSIWYG to edit the page sections.

4. When done editing, click the Submit button.


1. Select the page, folder, or file you wish to publish.

2. Select "Publish" from the top menu.

3. Depending on how your site was set up, you should have a development site and a live site to publish. The development site should be checked by default.

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