

To access the university's network from off campus, use the Texas A&M Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN connection provides increased security and the same level of access as a direct connection to the campus network, and access to university resources that are not typically available from nonTAMU connections. 

Note: using the VPN requires use of the Duo two-factor authentication app and push notifications.

Installing the VPN Client on a Laptop or Desktop

  1. Open a browser and navigate to connect.tamu.edu.

  2. Make sure the group is set to tunnel_all_traffic. Log in with your Texas A&M NetID and password.

  1. You will then be redirected to a different website that will analyze your computer’s operating system and CPU. Once the analysis has completed, click the download button that matches your operating system.

  1. If you are prompted where to save the file, you may save it in any location on your computer that you can access. If you are not prompted, the file may be automatically saved to your downloads folder. 

  2. Once the VPN client has successfully downloaded, open the file to initiate the installation process. 

    1. If prompted to allow the program to run, click run.

    2. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the client installation.

For more details, please see the Knowledge Base article “VPN - Connecting”.

Using the VPN Client on a Laptop or Desktop

  1. Open the VPN client.

    1. On Windows, go to the Start Menu and find the application named Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.

    2. On a Mac, look in your applications folder for the application named Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.

  2. Enter connect.tamu.edu in the text box and then click connect.

  1. Make sure tunnel_all_traffic is selected for the Group. Enter your Texas A&M NetID and password and click OK..

  1. Approve the push notification on your Duo-enabled device.

  2. You are now connected to the Texas A&M VPN! You will see an AnyConnect icon appear in your menu bar if you did not see it before. Right-clicking on this icon allows you to quickly connect and disconnect from the VPN.

Disconnecting from the VPN on a Laptop or Desktop

  1. Open the VPN client

  2. Click disconnect

Connecting a Mobile Device 

To connect a mobile device to the VPN, follow the step-by-step instructions in the appropriate Knowledge Base article for your device.

When to Use the Texas A&M VPN

Due to the dramatic increase in the simultaneous demand for access to the VPN, it is critical that you only use the VPN when absolutely necessary. Please disconnect from the VPN once you complete your VPN-required activity.

University Resources that Require Network Connection

College Resources that Require Network Connection

  • Network file shares:

    • Files located on filer.arch.tamu.edu

    • Documents, Downloads, and other folders on Windows desktop computers

    • Files on the “O” drive

  • Software with network licenses:

    • Most Autodesk products, Rhino versions, ArcGIS products

    • Some faculty installations of Houdini 

    • Some installations of ZBrush

  • College Intranet

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