Jamf Connect

Jamf Connect

This article will go over the details and usage of Jamf Connect to facilitate secure NetID logins to College computers

What is Jamf Connect:

Jamf Connect is a software used by numerous Fortune 500 companies and education systems that provides secure identity management and account provisioning. Jamf Connect facilitates NetID logins with Central IT’s Microsoft Azure database, and creating the computer account based off of those authenticated credentials

What does that mean for you:

Jamf Connect allows your login to utilize your NetID and NetID password to authenticate like other Texas A&M logins.

Getting Started:

The initial log in screen looks like this! Your first credential entry will be NetID@tamu.edu followed by your NetID password. As this is an official TAMU login, you will also proceed with a Duo Two-Factor Authentication to your mobile device.

Two things to note on this screen:

A. This icon gives you the ability to select a wireless network to connect to. In the past, picking up a new computer from OIT required you to sign in on ethernet in our office. This is no longer the case! Jamf Connect allows you to sign into a computer via Wifi, the only stipulation is this is not supported on campus due to Wifi Security Certificate issues. On home networks (or any network that is not WPA2 Enterprise), you can do your first log in there! This is quite handy for remote teaching or for those out of state/country.

B. If you can not get access to a Wifi or ethernet connection, you can still sign in via this button “Local Login”. This is only available after at least one networked login, so that it knows what profile to log into. This is handy while traveling or for a quicker login.

On the first login, as with all University System-wide applications, you will receive a notice to grant Jamf Connect to finish the login method. As long as the banner states it is CLAR-Jamf Connect, you can press the Accept button to proceed. This is only required on the initial login.

The final screen will have you enter your password one more time to sync it to the device, allowing for the aforementioned Local Login.

When you change your NetID password, the Local Login option will work for 60 days until you must use the Azure Login with an active internet connection to update your computer with the new password.


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