Upgrading Adobe for Windows

Upgrading Adobe for Windows


The College of Architecture is updating our current Adobe Creative Cloud license on Windows, to a new, centralized one. This change will add some new functionality to Adobe Creative Cloud on Windows that may not have been accessible before, including:

  • Self-Service installs and updates for the Adobe Suite of applications.

  • An Adobe account linked to your NetID.

  • Adobe licenses linked to your NetID, allowing simultaneous login on up to (2) computers.

You will receive an email from Adobe stating you now have access to the Adobe suite of applications. Nothing needs to be done with this email, it just means that we have added you to our system.

Before starting this process, go to Speedtest.net and make sure your Download speed is at least 50Mbps, or else there is a VERY HIGH possibility that this upgrade will fail, and cause more downtime from any Adobe software. If you are unable to get 50Mbps or higher, please send an email to helpdesk@arch.tamu.edu with a screenshot of your download speed, and one of our technicians will determine the best way to upgrade your Adobe.


The upgrade to the new Adobe Suite will provide increased functionality, and an upgrade process that allows you to choose when you want to update your current installation.

This process can take up to 24 hours, in which it will uninstall all the Adobe applications and reinstall Creative Cloud. Upon reinstalling Creative Cloud, it will require you to install your desired applications, which can take several more hours. We advise doing this on a weekend, or a time where you are not needing to use the Adobe Suite of applications for at least a 24-hour period. Your computer will need to be turned on and connected to a network for this process to go through.

Step 1

We will need to be connected to the VPN in order for this process to begin. Please follow the steps outlined in VPN - Customer Help Center - IT Knowledge (atlassian.net) to connect to the VPN. You will not need to download/install Cisco AnyConnect, as you will already have “Cisco AnyConnect” (As seen below) in your Start Menu (hit the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start Menu).


Step 2

You will have a new program named “COA Adobe Updater” (As seen below) in your Start Menu (hit the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start Menu), which you will click when ready to start the upgrade process.


Step 3

Upon starting “COA Adobe Updater”, two windows will appear. One window will contain the name of your computer, and the other will take you to a website for you to enter the aforementioned computer name and agree to the terms of upgrading Adobe. Click “Accept” to begin the upgrade process.

Your computer’s name should look like “COA-MJ047BG” or at the very least start with “COA-”

The computer name will need to be entered in the website exactly how it appears in the other window for this process to work. If any error occurs when entering, please take a screenshot of the error, and send it to helpdesk@arch.tamu.edu so we can assist in fixing the error and upgrading Adobe.

Step 4

Step 5

Now that you have followed the above steps, and waited 12-24 hours, we can search for “Adobe Creative Cloud” in the Windows search bar and open it.

Step 6

Open the Adobe Creative Cloud Application either from the desktop or the start menu.


Step 7

Type in your NetID@tamu.edu (You must use your @tamu.edu address since the @arch.tamu.edu will no longer be used for logging into the Adobe console) and click continue.

Step 8

If this second screen appears for you, click on “Company or School Account”

Step 9

Enter your NetID password and complete the DUO Prompt on the next screen.

Step 10

Now you are logged in and can choose what applications you would like to install. This updated version of Adobe allows for you to install and update applications without administrator permission. To install the Apps, just scroll down on the first page and click install as seen below.


Learning Adobe

Adobe provides a training suite to learn how to use both the Creative Cloud app, and the entire Adobe software suite. Watch the videos in order to get an overview of using Adobe and its applications. You can find these tutorials in the link below:

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