Access your Files as a Staff or Faculty Members

From a Windows Computer

COA ITS organizes personnel's files based on if the individual is considered a staff member or a faculty member. The following shows how to access personnel files for both roles.

1. To access your personal files, first, connect to \\ and then choose Staff or Faculty.


2. Locate and click the folder that matches your NetID.

Please note: You are the only individual who can access your documents. While you can see folders with other individual’s NetIDs, you will only be able to access your NetID’s folder.


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Adding Your Folder to your Favorites

1. To quickly access your files, first, open a new folder by left-clicking the folder icon on the bottom left of your toolbar and selecting File Explorer.


2. In the new pop-up, click This PC located in the middle left of the window.

3. Then click the Computer tab located in the top left of the Window.


If you do not see the Computer tab, make sure you clicked on This PC and not the arrow next to it.


4. Click Map Network Drive


5. Type one of the following addresses based on your role:

To access personnel files for staff members: \\\staff\*NetID*

To access personnel files for faculty members: \\\faculty\*NetID*

Please remember to replace *NetID* with your NetID.


6. Click Finish. Now, you can access your files by looking for This PC, but instead of clicking it, press the down arrow.

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