Equipment Checkout

Equipment Checkout


College of Architecture Information Technology Services (ITS) is proud to provide equipment available for short-term checkout to ensure success in college courses for Architecture students. To checkout equipment, you must be a student of the College of Architecture, or Faculty / Staff. Faculty and Staff may check out equipment only if it is connected to a student activity with the College of Architecture, as all equipment is to help students complete school projects.  Equipment is for school-related projects only. It is not intended for personal use.

Langford Checkout Desk

The items we have available for checkout in Langford are listed here in our catalog.

Francis Checkout Desk

The items we have available for checkout in Francis are listed here in our catalog. Items here are more tailored for COSC students.

Rules and Deadlines

"The Borrower assumes full responsibility for equipment checked out. All equipment checked out is due back at 4:00 pm the following day. There will be a $5.00 charge each day the item is not returned by 4:00 pm. Late items may result in my account being disabled. Equipment checkout is for the College of Architecture students, faculty, and staff only."


All items are for short-term checkout only. Any long-term checkout will be at the manager's discretion. 

A long-term checkout qualifies as a single item being checked out more than four separate times and/or extends an item for more than three days.


Requests for extensions can be made by stopping by our helpdesk or calling at 979.862.8584.

Failure to comply with the short-term policy may result in loss of checkout privileges.


If you have any questions or comments about this article or think it needs improvement, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you!

ph: (979) 862-8584 | helpdesk@arch.tamu.edu 

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