Connecting to a Printer

Connecting to a Printer

This article assumes you have an active connection to the campus network, by virtue of being physically on campus or connected to the Texas A&M VPN.



To access the interface on Windows open the start menu and type \\print.arch.tamu.edu

Locate the printer you wish to add and double click on the icon, this will install the printer and print driver if needed.


Press Command + K which will bring up the following window. Type smb://print.arch.tamu.edu in the text field

Choose MacDrivers which will open a window where you can install the driver needed for each printer

Once you have added the drivers go to System Preferences and click Printers and Scanners click the + to add a new connection

Next click on the gear that says Advanced. If this gear does not appear then right click next to the icons in the top left and choose Customize Toolbar Then drag the Advanced option to the toolbar.

On the Advanced option change the Type to be Windows printer via spoolss

Under URL: put smb://print.arch.tamu.edu/<printername> replacing <printername> with the queue name of the printer (these names can be found either by connecting to print on a windows machine or checking the list at the end of this article)

For the Name this will be the same as the queue name for the printer

To specify the Driver change Use to be Select Software and choose from the list of available drivers (this list can also be found below)

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